The letter is quite telling...
november 13, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: making the best use of our kingdom halls.
The letter is quite telling...
i'm tyoing this up on my phone, so forgive me if i don't give all i do or spell anything correctly.
today i saw in the local newspaper in skagit valley washington a local man was sentenced to prison for child pornography.
at firat i wasn't i terested in the article until i saw the defendants name.
I just think the figures must be staggering for such a small group of people.
You underestimate just how much children are abused in society as a whole. There is a staggering amount of abuse and abusers everywhere in society. Incidence within JW may or may not be slightly higher than average, we don't know.
Right now your perception is likely skewed because you notice and remember all the JW cases but not the others...
Research in North America has concluded that approximately 15% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men were sexually abused when they were children
well, this is awkward !
these are jehovah's witnesses...lol.
No doubt the elders would have dealt with it internally if the car hadn't crashed and outsiders hadn't called the police...
omg my head exploded!in this months broadcast - splian goes off on how much care the wt in making sure its facts are correct, and how they make sure their quotes are not taking from people who have a bad reputation or have an agenda.
and that the make sure its always in context!.
they are such liars!.
Rama Singh comes to mind. He protested Watchtower quoting him dishonest and out of context.
i started studying with witnesses about 21 months ago.
started going to meetings in march 2017, went to the memorial and attended my first convention.
i love it.
I'll tell you what happens: the elders will call the branch office. The branch office then tells them what's written in their official correspondence guidelines.
It says you should dress and act as your biological gender. They leave no room to choose how you identify yourself.
They don't care about your feelings. They are appalled by your 'mutilating' surgery.
Sorry, but you're in for some heartbreaking...
Quote official JW branch correspondence guidelines:
If an individual considers undergoing a sex-change operation basically to bring the appearance of the sex organs into line with what the individuale emotionally and mentally feels himself or herself to be, that one should be advised to live in accord with the biological facts of the situation. (w97 6/15 18-19; w74 6/15 360) Mutilating the sex organs, such as having the male organ surgically removed and an artificial female organ created, does not change the facts or make the person into the opposite sex. Someone desiring to be baptized who has already undergone a mutilating operation of this sort (a transsexual) would be expected to take his or her place in life in accord with what the individual biologically is, not in accord with what the person has been mutilated to appear to be. This may even require that the person leave a “mate” to whom the person is “married,” since the mutilated one is actually (biologically) of the same sex as the “mate.”
An individual who dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex, practicing transvestism, should be helped to see that this is Scripturally condemned and may be related to homosexuality. (Deut.22:5; Ps. 26:4) It is a moral problem for which strong counsel is definitely needed. If the acts of the individual take on a gross aspect because of being publicly displayed, this can be reason for disfellowshipping, since such conduct can be loose, brazen conduct.—Gal. 5:19; w739/15 5746.
i realize that jehovah’s witnesses have been dumbed down for long time now.
still, i think there must be something that would make them really question their beliefs, even their life.. i think that if witnesses were told they could take blood or that disfellowshipping was unloving, they might stop and take a hard look at everything they have sacrificed their lives for.. i know the organization has muddled these subjects before but the i think even die hard witnesses might start to second guess the governing body..
All of us questioned and got out, didn't we? We aren't Superior to anyone who still is a JW.... we're just in a different life phase and/or lucky that our right buttons were pushed at the right time...
daniel macias said.. investigators learned that ramos was an elder at a jehovah’s witnesses church in the 4000 block of west mckinley avenue.
there, he met a teen girl and her family three years ago.. .
If they were married it would have been legal.
It's immoral regardless.
And they are not married so it's illegal as well.
the children of russian jehovah's witnesses face removal from their family if their parents continue to indoctrinate the children and engage them in religious activity.*.
*not yet in force but soon to be.
Russia appears to become as scary as cult a JW are...
Putting rules in place to separate family members from each other because they have the wrong beliefs or religion...2 wrongs don't make a right.
i went to the atm to get out my housekeeping and budgeting money.
($650) this covers large bills and everyday shopping for food etc.. made the withdrawal and as i fumbled my wallet the atm took the money back.
a bank staff member was present helping another customer with the other atm and saw this.
Afaik almost all ATM everywhere grab the money back to prevent theft in case a person really forgets to take his money.
Of course the ATM will record that it took the money back, and make a note on your transaction. Quite likely the bank could see right away that your withdrawal was cancelled.
I guess HQ just wants to check these cancelled transactions to prevent fraud.
For example, I know there used to be a scam where one could carefully take only the middle bill(s) and wait for the ATM to swallow what's left, unaware of the missing bills. The person would still get the whole amount credited on their account.
Today they probably match your cancelled withdrawal claim with any accounting differences in that specific ATM after they refill it. And that would mean waiting for the regular refilling schedule....
in my reading on this site ive read ppl in org were afraid of losing salvation if they had a blood transfusion.
like its the unpardonable sin or something (of course it is not, the bible never says not to have a blood transfusion).
ive read all i could find on jw.org but nothing about what would happen if you had one.
It's not an unforgivable act per session, but it's often very deliberate.
Can you imagine any other 'sin' where you first have multiple discussions with your spouse about whether you'd do it or not, talk to your doctors, the elders....already had a signed will in your wallet saying that other people shouldn't force you commit this 'sin'.....and then go ahead and do it anyway? It would take a very bold and 'brazen' attitude to be so deliberate about 'sinning'
On top of that, accepting blood is not a fun way to break the rules. Getting drunk or having sex with your hot colleague seems much more fun and tempting.
And while both genitals and blood are considered to be sacred, I guess most JW don't really view their genitals as such :-D
Oh and other sins are not 'trying to save your life', and JW have been indoctrinated with Jesus' words that 'everyone who tries to save their life will lose it'.
So their is a huge mental barrier that stops JW from accepting blood.